WJSV 90.5 FM

Station Manager
I'm a Station Manager at WJSV. I keep everything running smoothly and make sure we are putting out the best shows possible. I'm also the most beautiful person at the station and the DJ with the most luscious voice.

Station Manager
Jeremy "Tank"
My name is Jeremy, Station Manager for WJSV. I have been involved in WJSV since my freshman year, and I have had a show the past three years and I have been on exec staff since my Freshman year. I like Classic Rock, Modern Rock, and Indie. You can commonly hear me playing Foo Fighters, Van Halen, and even some Gorillaz. My hobbies include golf, and Frisbee.
WJSV Executive Staff 2013-2014

Media Manager
Hey, I’m DJ Pez! I am a senior at Morristown High School and the Media Manager here at the station. I am also the Senior Executive Producer for Colonial Corner. I enjoy listening to and playing music; I like rock and alternative genres. I play the piano, drums, bass guitar, and guitar—electric and acoustic. Tune in on Tuesdays from 5-7 P.M. to listen to my once a week radio show.

Program Director
David C
Sports Directors

My name is Layston Badham, and I am Promotions Manager of WJSV. I control bake sales, I am an honorary engineer, and I have fun helping around the station anyway I can. I love my radio show where I play an eclectic range of music.

Senior Engineer
I am Nicholas, a sophomore and a WJSV engineer. I am currently the Assistant Engineer and follow the Engineer’s motto “If you broke it, I can fix it”. I think Layston is awesome. Around hectic WJSV, I run wires, fix speakers, and set up lights and the stage for school productions. My nicknames around the station are Nick, (reluctantly) Chisu and Moy-vey (my friend’s favourite). :D

Chief Engineer
Dominic "Coupe"
I'm Chief Engineer at WJSV. I fix most of the equipment if and when it breaks. I am usually the one to do the live sound mixing for the Coffeehouses, meetings, Rock Shows and both of the plays at MHS. I am a licensed DJ and have a radio show.

Junior Engineer
Hey my name is Nicki. I’m a junior here at good old MHS and i've been a member of WJSV for a little over a year. I’m a radio DJ and a junior engineer, in other words I play my music and do what the senior engineers say. Outside of WJSV I play field hockey, lacrosse, and participate in many other clubs, so I tend to be a very busy person. I think the music I listen to is a good reflection of the kind of person I am. I usually like upbeat music (guitar solos preferred). Other than that I really have no preference in music. I listen, to classic rock, indie pop, alternative, and tons more, just please, no country.
Alright, I’m done boring you with my life. Bye :)

Senior Engineer
David "Shock"
Production Manager
I’m known as That Guy on the air, and while I have no co-host, there are over a half dozen people with various nicknames who come on for fun. I play a lot of rock, classic rock, rock rock, and a few other rock songs, but I will not play certain musical abominations. You know who. Also, as a message to my future self, who will be doubtlessly reading this bio and realizing that I could have put more effort into it: Hi. Yes, I did write this in five minutes.

News Director
Nik & Brian

Traffic Director
My name is Reece and when people talk about me there is not much to talk about. I am 5'10" 135 pounds. I am a student athlete at Morristown High School, I play hockey and run X-country and outdoor track and field. I like math, history, and science. I enjoy playing music and talking over the radio. On my free time I enjoy playing hockey, running, watching TV, eating, sleeping and hanging out with friends and family. I also like llamas and alpacas.